Our Staff

  • Rev. Jaime Pangman

    Pastor Jaime grew up as the son of an Air Force officer, which blessed him with the opportunity to live all over the world in a life that would prepare him for Methodist ministry. After graduating from high school in Madrid, Spain, Jaime studied International Relations and History at Boston University, finishing his degree in 2009. During his time in undergrad, he felt God call him into ministry and began to pursue a career as a pastor. He stayed in Boston to attend seminary at BU School of Theology, received his Masters of Divinity, and then answered a call to join the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church starting in 2012. There, her served three churches over the span of eight years, while also being ordained as an Elder in Full Connection in 2016. In 2020, God called him to a new ministry half a world away in Santee, CA. Jaime enjoys playing complicated board games, watching and discussing movies, and generally spending time with family and friends. He has an amazing wife, Carmen, and two daughters, Scarlett and Alice.

  • Office Manager: Carol Olewine

    Carol has been attending Santee UMC since 2015 with her daughter, Melody. She found a spiritual home for her family here, and values the work the church does in the community, as well as the transformational programs for the children and youth at Santee UMC. Carol holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics from San Diego State University. When not utilizing her talents crafting or serving on multiple church committees, she can be found volunteering with her husband, Jared, with a high school robotics program, where she serves as Volunteer Coordinator for the San Diego region.

  • Music Director: Dr. Kyle Rowan

    Kyle is a composer, clarinetist, and educator. He completed his PhD in music composition in 2016 at UC San Diego, and also holds an MM from the University of Illinois and a BM from the University of Florida in music composition in addition to a Performer’s Certificate in clarinet from the U of Florida. His compositions have been performed around the country as well as internationally at festivals in Greece, Italy, and South Korea. As a clarinetist, he studied under Mitchell Estrin (U of Florida) and Michael Forte (Palm Beach Opera) and has played with the La Jolla Symphony, Albany (GA) Symphony, Gainesville (FL) Symphony, and in a variety of solo and chamber contexts. He is a founding member of the contemporary chamber trio Figmentum in which he plays clarinet and toy piano. Besides music, Kyle loves baseball, video games, science fiction, and dogs.

  • Finance Secretary: Peter Burrell

    Peter Burrell is the Finance Secretary for SUMC. He served 4 years on the Finance Committee with the last three as the chairperson. Peter is a retired High School Math Teacher, serving 36 years in the San Diego Unified School District. Along with his wife, Nanette, Peter officially joined SUMC in 2016 after attending off and on since 2011.

  • Nursery Coordinator: Crystal Ketterer

    Crystal Ketterer works in the Nursery on Sundays and helps with the mid-week program. Her family has been attending SUMC since 2003 and Crystal has been working in the nursery for nine years. She is married to her husband, Johnathon, and they have two wonderful daughters. The family is very active within the church, especially for VBS! Crystal has an Associates Degree in Child Development and works as a Paraprofessional in Special Education. As a family, the Ketterers love to go off-roading in their jeep, camping, and going on adventures. SUMC has been the foundation for their family to learn and live God’s love.

  • Pianist: Jan Ault

    Jan has been attending Santee UMC with his family since 1990 and became the church pianist starting in October 1991. He holds a BA in Computer Science from University of California San Diego and spent 32+ years working as a Software Systems Engineer where he earned more than a dozen patents in Cellular Communication Technology. Music has always been a large part of Jan's life. He started classical piano lessons at a young age, played the trombone in school bands, and played in a rock band for almost 20 years before playing for Santee UMC. Most recently, after retiring from his engineering job, Jan went back to school and earned his Masters Degree in Music Composition and Production. Jan also loves to travel, hike, camp, and go to the movies with his wife Anne.