Make an
impact today
Support the continued ministry of Santee UMC through your one-time or recurring donation.
There are a variety of ways for you to give to financially support the church, including:
Set up your regular giving as a scheduled Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to ensure your regular giving continues, even if you forget. Contact our Finance Secretary, Peter Burrell, to find out how.
Give on your mobile device whenever you want and wherever you are, by downloading Vanco Mobile.
Give online through our secure website giving page (reminder: there is a 3% charge to the church for each transaction. If you are donating regularly we encourage the EFT option).
Mail a check to 8964 N. Magnolia Ave., Santee CA 92071.
Consider the church in your legacy and estate planning.
For All Online Giving Opportunities, click HERE.

Why give?
Your giving helps sustain Santee UMC so we can continue to be in ministry together.