We believe that as the Body of Christ, we are called to go out into our community and BE the hands and feet of Christ in the world.
Some of the ongoing Missions and Outreach ministries of our church:
Free Pancake Breakfast
1st Saturday of each month, 8-10am
Free hot pancake breakfast, open to the community!
Blessings Box
Located against the building on the Park Ave side, our small Blessings Box offers non-perishable food to those in need. We ask our community to “take a blessing, or leave a blessing”.
Naomi's Closet
Naomi’s Closet is a clothing ministry, providing clothing, hygiene ncessitties and more to women of the community. Located in a small white and purple building in the church parking lot.
Naomi’s Closet is open for shopping and donations:
Wednesdays 10am-12pm
1st and 3rd Saturdays 9am-12pm
Worship at Edgemoor
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Blood Drives
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Meals on Wheels
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